Stone Path

Fun little iPad sculpt. Had no goal, inspiration or ideas, I just started sculpting something and this is where it went.

This was my first full sculpt in Zbrush on the iPad, so I it ended up being a small comfort scene. It definitely takes some getting used to, after having used Zbrush on PC for so many years, but it IS fun to sculpt from the couch or bed. I'm used to using a ton of hotkeys, and never scroll any menus, and this is my biggest frustration or slowdown here. Hopefully I just need to get used to it, and learn to customize the experience in a different way than how I am used to think.
If anyone has some tips on how to speed up their iPad Zbrush experiences, I am all ears! I really think it's fun an liberating, but I lack speeeeed!

Sculpted on iPad, textured in Substance Painter, rendered in Marmoset.